Materials for courses own taught.
Latex & Microsoft Word template
for VNU-UET Undergraduate & Master student in Vietnamese
- Undergraduate student:
Student Research Competition: https://github.com/DoHaiSon/Student_Research
Master student: https://github.com/DoHaiSon/Master_Thesis
Beamer template: https://github.com/DoHaiSon/Beamer_template
Sep-Nov/2023 - AIT 2003: Data Analysis with Python (VNU University of Engineering and Technology)
Sep-Nov/2023 - INT 1008: Introduction to Programming (VNU University of Engineering and Technology)
Sep-Dec/2021 - Teaching assistant, ELT 3243: Principles of Communications (VNU University of Engineering and Technology)
Jul-Aug/2021 - Teaching assistant, ELT 2035: Signals and systems (VNU University of Engineering and Technology)
Jan-Jun/2021 - Teaching assistant, ELT 3144: Digital Signal Processing (VNU University of Engineering and Technology)